
权限需要在AndroidManifest.xml 中定义相应权限

Allows read/write access to the "properties" table in the checkin database, to
change values that get uploaded)

an application to access coarse (e.g., Cell-ID, WiFi) location)

android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION允许一个程序访问精良位置(如GPS) (Allows an
application to access fine (e.g., GPS) location)

an application to access extra location provider commands)

android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION允许程序创建模拟位置提供用于测试(Allows an
application to create mock location providers for testing)

android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE允许程序访问有关GSM网络信息(Allows applications
to access information about networks)

android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER允许程序使用SurfaceFlinger底层特性(Allows an
application to use SurfaceFlinger's low level features)

android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE允许程序访问Wi-Fi网络状态信息(Allows applications
to access information about Wi-Fi networks)

android.permission.ADD_SYSTEM_SERVICE允许程序发布系统级服务(Allows an application to
publish system-level services).

android.permission.BATTERY_STATS允许程序更新手机电池统计信息(Allows an application to
update the collected battery statistics)

android.permission.BLUETOOTH允许程序连接到已配对的蓝牙设备(Allows applications to connect
to paired bluetooth devices)

android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN允许程序发现和配对蓝牙设备(Allows applications to
discover and pair bluetooth devices)

android.permission.BRICK请求能够禁用设备(非常危险)(Required to be able to disable the
device (very dangerous!).)

an application to broadcast a notification that an application package has been

android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY.允许一个程序广播常用intents(Allows an application
to broadcast sticky intents)

android.permission.CALL_PHONE允许一个程序初始化一个电话拨号不需通过拨号用户界面需要用户确认(Allows an
application to initiate a phone call without going through the Dialer user
interface for the user to confirm the call being placed.)

an application to call any phone number, including emergency numbers, without
going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call being

android.permission.CAMERA请求访问使用照相设备(Required to be able to access the
camera device. )

an application to change whether an application component (other than its own)
is enabled or not. )

android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION允许一个程序修改当前设置,如本地化(Allows an
application to modify the current configuration, such as locale. )

android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE允许程序改变网络连接状态(Allows applications to
change network connectivity state)

android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE允许程序改变Wi-Fi连接状态(Allows applications to
change Wi-Fi connectivity state)

android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE允许一个程序清楚缓存从所有安装的程序在设备中(Allows an
application to clear the caches of all installed applications on the device.

android.permission.CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA允许一个程序清除用户设置(Allows an application to
clear user data)

enabling/disabling location update notifications from the radio. )

android.permission.DELETE_CACHE_FILES允许程序删除缓存文件(Allows an application to
delete cache files)

android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES允许一个程序删除包(Allows an application to delete

android.permission.DEVICE_POWER允许访问底层电源管理(Allows low-level access to power

android.permission.DIAGNOSTIC允许程序RW诊断资源(Allows applications to RW to
diagnostic resources. )

android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD允许程序禁用键盘锁(Allows applications to disable
the keyguard )

android.permission.DUMP允许程序返回状态抓取信息从系统服务(Allows an application to retrieve
state mp information from system services.)

Mobile中的托盘程序(Allows an application to expand or collapse the status bar. )

android.permission.FACTORY_TEST作为一个工厂测试程序,运行在root用户(Run as a manufacturer
test application, running as the root user. )

android.permission.FLASHLIGHT访问闪光灯,Android开发网提示HTC Dream不包含闪光灯(Allows
access to the flashlight )

android.permission.FORCE_BACK允许程序强行一个后退操作是否在顶层activities(Allows an
application to force a BACK operation on whatever is the top activity. )


android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS访问一个帐户列表在Accounts Service中(Allows access to
the list of accounts in the Accounts Service)

android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE允许一个程序获取任何package占用空间容量(Allows an
application to find out the space used by any package. )

an application to get information about the currently or recently running tasks:
a thumbnail representation of the tasks, what activities are running in it,

android.permission.HARDWARE_TEST允许访问硬件(Allows access to hardware
peripherals. )

an application to inject user events (keys, touch, trackball) into the event
stream and deliver them to ANY window.)

android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES允许一个程序安装packages(Allows an application
to install packages. )

android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW允许打开窗口使用系统用户界面(Allows an
application to open windows that are for use by parts of the system user
interface. )