
电子商务,英文是Electronic Commerce,简称EC。电子商务通常是指是在全球各地广泛的商业贸易活动中,在因特网开放的网络环境下,基于浏览器/服务器应用方式,买卖双方不谋面地进行各种商贸活动,实现消费者的网上购物、商户之间的网上交易和在线电子支付以及各种商务活动、交易活动、金融活动和相关的综合服务活动的一种新型的商业运营模式。“中国网络营销网” Tinlu相关文章指出,电子商务涵盖的范围很广,一般可分为企业对企业(Business-to-Business),或企业对消费者(Business-to-Customer)两种。另外还有消费者对消费者(Customer-to-Customer)这种大步增长的模式。随着国内Internet使用人数的增加,利用Internet进行网络购物并以银行卡付款的消费方式已渐流行,市场份额也在迅速增长,电子商务网站也层出不穷。电子商务最常见之安全机制有SSL及SET两种。

Ⅱ 电商的英文翻译是什么

广义的电子商务Electronic Business,简称EB;狭义的:Electronic Commerce简称EC

Ⅲ 电子商务 外文翻译

Basic concepts
什么是电子商务呢,说白了就是电子是手段,商务是目的。 What is e-commerce it, saying that white is the Electronics is a means, business is the goal. 电子商务,英文是Electronic Commerce,简称EC。 E-commerce, English is the Electronic Commerce, referred to as EC. 电子商务涵盖 E-commerce covers 的范围很广,一般可分为企业对企业(Business-to-Business),或企业对消费者(Business-to-Customer)两种。 A wide range, generally can be divided into business to business (Business-to-Business), or business to consumers (Business-to-Customer) two kinds. 另外还有消费者对消费者(Customer-to-Customer)这种大步增长的模式。 There are also consumers of consumers (Customer-to-Customer) such a big growth pattern. 随着国内Internet使用人数的增加,利用Internet进行网络购物并以银行卡付款的消费方式已渐流行,市场份额也在迅速增长, 电子商务网站也层出不穷。 With the increase in the number of domestic Internet use, using Internet for online shopping and bank card payment has graally popular consumption patterns, market share is rapidly growing e-commerce sites are endless. 电子商务最常见之安全机制有SSL(安全套接层协议)及SET( 安全电子交易协议 )两种。 The most common security mechanism for e-commerce have SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) two kinds.

定义: Definition:

广义上指使用各种电子工具从事商务或活动。 The broad sense refers to the use of electronic tools for business or activities. 这些工具包括从初级的电报、电话、广播、电视、传真到计算机、 计算机网络 ,到NII(国家信息基础结构-信息高速公路)、GII(全球信息基础结构)和Internet等现代系统。 These tools range from elementary telegraph, telephone, radio, television, fax, computer, computer network, to the NII (National Information Infrastructure - Information Highway), GII (Global Information Infrastructure) and the Internet and other modern systems. 而商务活动是从泛商品(实物与非实物,商品与非商品化的生产要素等等)的需求活动到泛商品的合理、合法的消费除去典型的生产过程后的所有活动。 The commercial activities are concted from the Pan-goods (physical and non-physical, non-commercialization of goods and factors of proction, etc.) activities to the needs of the Pan-goods, a reasonable, legitimate consumer to remove the typical post-proction process of all activities. 狭义上指利用Internet从事商务或活动。 A narrow sense, refers to the use of Internet for business or activities.

【网络营销和电子商务】 【Internet marketing and e-commerce】

从时间上来讲,电子商务概念的出现要早于网络营销。 From the time of speaking, e-commerce earlier than the emergence of the concept of network marketing.

电子商务最早产生于上个世纪60年代,90年代得到长足发展。 E-commerce originated in the last century 60's, 90's by leaps and bounds. 电子商务产生和发展的重要条件主要是: 计算机的广泛应用。 And development of e-commerce, an important condition for mainly the following: extensive use of computers. 而网络营销是随着现代科学技术的发展、消费者价值观的变革与日趋激烈的市场竞争等诸多因素,出现并迅速崛起的,网络营销发展的最重要条件是:消费者价值观念的变革。 Along with the network marketing is the development of modern science and technology, consumer values change and the increasingly fierce market competition, and many other factors, emerged and rapidly growing, Internet marketing, the development of the most important conditions are: changes in consumer values.

从字面意义上讲,网络营销概念要比电子商务大。 From the literal sense, the concept of network marketing than the big e-commerce.

电子商务通常是指是在广泛的商业贸易活动中,在因特网开放的网络环境下,买卖双方不相谋面的情况下,实现交易达成的一种新型的商业运营模式,讲求的是在网络销售中获得商业盈利。 E-commerce generally refers to commercial trade in a wide range of activities, on the Internet an open network environment, buyers and sellers are not known one another for the case of phase to achieve the deal of a new business model, and stress is that in online sales in the access to commercial profit. 网络营销(cyber marketing),是指借助联机网络,电脑通讯和数字交互式媒体来实现的一种营销方式,讲求的是与目标人群的网络互动。 Internet Marketing (cyber marketing), refers to the use of online networks, computer communications and digital interactive media to achieve a kind of marketing, emphasizes that the network of interactions with the target population.

从包含的各个体系来说,网络营销和电子商务是交叉存在的。 From the various systems contained in it, network marketing and e-commerce is a cross-exist.

电子商务涵盖的范围很广,一般可分为B2B、B2C、 C2C、B2M四类电子商务模式。 Covers a wide range of e-commerce in general can be divided into B2B, B2C, C2C, B2M four categories of e-business models. 其中企业对企业(Business-to-Business),和企业对消费者(Business-to- Consumer)两种发展最早,另外还有消费者对消费者(Consumer-to-Consumer)这种大步增长的模式。 Including business to business (Business-to-Business), and business to consumer (Business-to-Consumer) two kinds of the earliest to develop, in addition to consumers for consumers (Consumer-to-Consumer) growth of this step模式. 网络营销包含网络调研 、 网络广告 、 网络公关 、整合营销、seo、sem等内容,每个内容都可以单独或者整合应用到电子商务中去。 Internet Marketing includes Internet research, online advertising, Internet public relations, integrated marketing, seo, sem and other content, each content can be applied alone or integrated into the e-commerce to go. 同样电子商务也离不开这些网络营销手段。 The same e-commerce marketing tool is also inseparable from these networks. 加100分行忙,我尽力了.

Ⅳ 电子商务的英文全称是什么

电子商务(Electronic Commerce),是指买卖双方之间依托计算机网络(主要是指Internet).按照一定的标专准所进行的各类商属贸活动。电子商务是一种依托现代信息技术和网络技术,集金融电子化、管理信息化、商贸信息网络化为一体,旨在实现物流、资金流与信息流和谐统一的新型贸易方式,是贸易活动全过程的电子化、网络化和数字化。电子商务给传统的贸易方式带来了巨大的冲击,带动了经济结构的变革,是一场商贸方式的革命,被国际上认为是21世纪经济发展的一个重要推动力,甚至可以与200年前工业革命对经济发展的促进相提并论,目前传统企业大举进入电子商务领域,正在成为普及全球的现象

Ⅳ 电子商务有限公司的标准英文是什么

Electronic Business Company Limited
E-Business Co., Ltd(注:Co后面是一个点加一个逗号)